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Thread: import large playlist with html

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default import large playlist with html

    I exported a couple of playlists from my mac to a Dropbox folder.
    I then tried to open the html files on my Android with iRealb installed.
    The small playlists (5 KB) imported without troubles, but the big playlist (500 KB, it's the Jazz 1200 with some modifications) does not seem to work. It does not appear in the app, the way the small ones did.

    How do I import the big playlist to y Android device?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    You will have to divide it up yourself into separate playlists - to about 300 songs in each (android cannot cope with large playlists) - this would only be 4 playlists - if it is from your Mac, it will be quick and easy (select, drag, drop.)
    FYI, if you backup within Android it will automatically split large playlists into smaller ones.

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