Here's a Steps Ahead version of Yound And Fine, a Joe Zawinul's song, taken from Somin' In the Pit album (amazing performance!). A Weather Report vesion is in my another thread. And the one in Yama, an Art Farmer's album is quite similar to this Steps Ahead version.

Sorry for the ugliest chord chart but the song is long and iRealb has its limitation of 12 lines per song and the data is very much playback-oriented.

And solo part construction is a little bit modified before it returns to the last theme, to adapt the 12-line limitation. In addition, I omitted one thing to shrink the chart. And as for the 4x repeated 8-bar solo part, B9th in the fourth bar is not appeared in one of two repetitions.

Young And Fine (Steps Ahead) - Joe Zawinul