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Thread: Strange problem with reverb/FX

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Strange problem with reverb/FX

    Hi, I just replied to a post on the Mac OS forum about a problem with the FX slider, but this is a very strange issue I'm having with the iPhone and iPad versions.

    I use iReal b v. 4.1.2 on both the iPhone 4 and 1st gen iPad.

    I have been playing through a couple of powered speaker systems for a year, no problems. When I adjust the FX slider, it does what it is supposed to do: change the level of reverb. The volume has never been affected.

    Today, I plugged into an Alto Truesonic TS112A powered speaker for the first time. When plugged into the Alto speaker, when I adjust the FX slider it acts as a volume control, and reverb sounds like it is always at maximum. I tried playing iReal b using both my iPhone and iPad and I get the same thing. It looks like isax is having the same problem using iReal b for Mac, but he doesn't say what amplification he is using: isax post here

    Now, I know what some of you are thinking...the Alto speaker has built-in reverb...but it does not. And, I can plug my iPad into a Line 6 HD500 board and run that plus my guitar into the Alto, and the FX slider works as it should.

    Any ideas on how to solve this problem?

    Last edited by joneadgbe; 03-04-2012 at 06:10 PM.


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