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Thread: How to respect repeats after dal segno?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2022

    Default How to respect repeats after dal segno?

    I'm aware that there are various opinions about whether repeats should be respected after a dal segno. It seems that iReal has chosen to ignore repeats after a dal segno. This is unfortunate because all the other software I use respects the repeats (Finale, Guitar Pro, Soundslice) and the conductors of both the orchestras I play in expect repeats to be played unless they specifically note "dal segno ignore repeats". This is also the convention followed by major publishers such as Hal Leonard. The examples given on Wikipedia indicate that the repeats should be respected.

    Is there a way to get iReal to behave in a similar way?

    From Wikipedia:

    "The notes are to be played in this order: G A B B C' A B B C' C. " (iReal would ignore the repeat on the second pass and play G A B B C A B C)
    Last edited by patthedog; 01-06-2024 at 01:11 PM.

  2. #2


    This behaves as I expect. Would you want it to circulate differently?

    Repeats After Dal Segno - Example


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2022


    Thank you Bob! You're absolutely right - your example works as expected. My mistake: by trying to simplify the question I failed to mention that I'm actually using D.S. al Coda.

    So I would have expected the attached example to play G A B B C G A B B D, whereas iReal plays G A B B C G A B D

    I see now that what's happening is iReal jumps to the Coda before the executing the repeat. Now I'm not so sure what would be the "correct behaviour". The other software I mentioned will first do the repeats before jumping to the coda. But Wikipedia describes the iReal behaviour, so I guess iReal is correct and the other programs (as well as bands I play in!) are idiosyncratic.

    Repeats After Dal Segno al Coda - Example

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2022


    I thought I'd check one of my hard copy real books, and indeed iReal is consistent in the way it handles the Coda jump. One interesting thing is point 4. It would be great if iReal would support a coda sign just outside of the repeat, or have it recognise the text "on repeat". Out of curiosity I gave the former a try but iReal plays one beat of C before jumping to the coda.

    Repeats After Dal Segno al Coda - Example

    From a Real Book:
    3. All repeats are observed during a 'D.C. al Coda' or 'D.S. al Coda' except in the following cases:

    a) when a Coda sign appears in a repeated section; the Coda is taken before repeating (unless marked 'on repeat').

    b) when an instruction to the contrary appears (e.g. 'D.S. al 2nd ending al Coda').

    4. A Coda sign just within repeats is taken before repeating. A Coda sign just outside of repeats is taken after repeating.
    Last edited by patthedog; 01-06-2024 at 04:19 PM.

  5. #5


    Here is one way to have the repeat before the coda.
    Repeats Before Dal Segno al Coda - Example

    Remember, when using DS or DC al coda, the coda will be included in every player repeat (like a 3rd ending).


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