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Thread: Pleasant Valley Sunday - Goffin-King

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    Default Pleasant Valley Sunday - Goffin-King

    Pleasant Valley Sunday - GH3K - The Monkees (Goffin-King)

    I was not playing music for a while, and now that I'm back, I'm fixing some of my old charts. This is a song that I charted a while back that I discovered didn't work, so I've repaired it.

    [Figured out a way to solve this, hence this new revision}:The only difference between the recorded version and my chart is that the intro had to be cut in half; on the recording, the lead guitar plays the opening riff four times solo, then the band hits on the one for the next four measures. I couldn't do that here, of course, because (a) it would be moot, and (b) I didn't have enough room.

    BOB, I know I am supposed to look up the chart first and post it there, but the search engine bar would not accept any text for some reason today.
    Last edited by GregH3000; 01-05-2024 at 06:20 PM. Reason: Corrected thread title/song title format

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