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Thread: Repeating sections in "Nowhere Man"

  1. #1

    Default Repeating sections in "Nowhere Man"

    dflat and other iReal Book Greybeards:

    I'm charting out "Nowhere Man" which is a simple AB structure tune. Since it's so simple---two chord sequences repeated a certain way---I don't want to overcomplicate my chart. That to me is the Holy Grail of iReal Book---simple, condensed info on the tiny iPhone page so the musician instantly grasps the music, and can concentrate on the heart and styling he or she puts into the performance.

    Here's what I have so far (not finished!)
    Nowhere Man (Edit) by Lennon-McCartney

    If you really make it simple, the recorded version of "Nowhere Man" is
    A A A B A A B A B then A again but fade while repeating those last four bars of A.

    With iReal Book, my philosophy is "show me the basic chords" and "I don't have to play it just like the record because it's jazz"

    How would you show "Nowhere Man" without cluttering up the screen?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by boscotom View Post
    dflat and other iReal Book Greybeards:
    I'm charting out "Nowhere Man" which is a simple AB structure tune. Since it's so simple---two chord sequences repeated a certain way---I don't want to overcomplicate my chart. ...
    To musically do what you want (using repeats, Segnos etc.) would get complicated, and given the limited screen size, text options etc. we are working with, personally I would solve it something like this .... not musically notated correctly, but it is clear what is intended. You could put the form in one line of text, but this is messy to read off quickly and you do not see the pattern. We have vertical space to use so that is why I did it like that and you get the whole form in one glance.
    I am sure someone else will contradict me, or come up with a musical way of doing it, but quickly looking at the problem, this works.

    Nowhere Man (Edit) by Lennon-McCartney

  3. #3


    I think that's simple and elegant. I really like it. It may solve some of my other Beatle chart dilemmas.

    I'm interested to see if someone else has insight, otherwise I (or you admin-types) can move it to the Beatle thread in a day or so.

    Thank you much for helping us through the learning curve.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by boscotom View Post
    can move it to the Beatle thread in a day or so.
    Thank you much for helping us through the learning curve.
    Actually we are all still learning ... some tunes are idiosyncratic, so there is no standard way of layout, especially with using irb and the small amount of space we have. You just have to play around a bit. I find sometimes, no matter what you do, you still don't have it clear enough. Even when you do notation layouts for paper/pdf you still have dilemmas.

    Not sure on moving this to Beatles, since it relates to layout and form essentially.
    In a way we might need a separate layout forum area. Massimo might have an idea about it anyway. I will leave it here for the meantime.

    When you complete your tune, post in Beatles.

  5. #5


    Right. Sorry. That's what I post just the song to the Beatles thread.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Minor adjustment: Used "C" section, rather than Coda, then used a blank line to layout the sections, using rehearsal marks :/

    Nowhere Man (Edit) by Lennon-McCartney


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