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Thread: reset original style and speed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Default reset original style and speed

    When just starting out using iRealb (love it!!) I changed alot of styles and speed of the songs. Of many songs I cannot remember wich style is the default one. How can I reset this?

    I tried searching the forums and web but I can only find an answer for this on chords and not styles/speed

    Thank you in advance.

  2. #2


    (I'm not the expert here, but...) Songs don't have a "default" setting for tempo or style, the way the transposing function does. In fact, until recently, tempos & styles weren't even transferred with the downloaded file! So, if you like the way you have a song set up now, maybe you can make an edit copy to taste-test different beats, chord voicings, etc.
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Ah okee... Thank you For your quick reply. So maybe it is best To make a backup And to Delete the standard songs And then import them from the forums again?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013


    On my ipad I see this little note on the upperleft of the sheetpaper the style it is originally in... This helps a bunch!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    in Song edit>Info where you set the Title of the song etc. you set a style as a style reference for the song. This stays as part of the song info (you can edit it at any time) but the playback style can be set to anything for audio backing (in other words they do not need to be the same.)

    If you delete the song and import it again, it will bring in the original style set for playback as you originally downloaded it.

  6. #6


    My only footnote would be, there are quite a few instances where posters (myself included) personalize their own style description, like "Boogaloo" "Brazilian" "Moderate Boogie" "Dixieland" etc. So, without having a standard style and tempo for reference, downloading the original would be the only way to recover changed settings.
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Thank you fot the replies. It is very clear now.


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