There's a entire set of unicode music symbols that is disabled in IRP (Android)
I would really appreciate if it could be enabled so we can use them in text comments. Here are just a few (among others): 𝄩𝄫𝄬𝄪𝄭𝄮𝄯𝄰𝄱𝄲𝄳𝄶𝄷𝄻𝄼𝄽𝄾𝄿𝅗𝅜𝅝𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅯𝆇𝆏𝆑𝆒𝆓𝆖𝆮𝆪𝆱𝆲
There's a entire set of unicode music symbols that is disabled in IRP (Android)
I would really appreciate if it could be enabled so we can use them in text comments. Here are just a few (among others): 𝄩𝄫𝄬𝄪𝄭𝄮𝄯𝄰𝄱𝄲𝄳𝄶𝄷𝄻𝄼𝄽𝄾𝄿𝅗𝅜𝅝𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅯𝆇𝆏𝆑𝆒𝆓𝆖𝆮𝆪𝆱𝆲
Viewing your post in my safari browser on my iPad mini.
See screenshot
I think I mentioned it's about Android devices, not iOs
It should display properly on any Android 7 and above. I'm not sure about iOs. Maybe on recent versions
Well, then I guess it's been implemented from Android version 8
Cyrille, I had to disable them because these Unicode characters, like emojis, are made up of several bytes and the encoding/decoding often breaks when sharing songs between devices and when posting them on the forums.
I would have to come up with a new way of sharing songs/playlist which would not be backward compatible. This is too high of a price to pay for such an edge feature, but I'm aware of it and it's in my notes and will be implemented if I ever I decide to do such a major change to the sharing format.
I understand. Thanks for the explanation.
I think the best way to add music rhythm symbols in IRP would be to embedd a set of common rhythm glyphs in the app (just like the chord symbols). That would solve compatibility issues between OS versions so that it can displays those symbols the same way in all devices
Here are some more symbols that I found working with iReal Pro, you can try and use them:
E⃣ F⃣ G⃣ H⃣ I⃣ J⃣ K⃣ L⃣ M⃣ N⃣ O⃣ P⃣
Q⃣ R⃣ S⃣ T⃣ U⃣ V⃣ W⃣ X⃣ Y⃣ Z⃣
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꜈ ꜌ ᚄ ᚃ บ ⵤ
ⁱⁿᵗʳᵒ ⁱ
ⁱⁿᵗʳᵒ ⁱⁱ
below is the chart with all this symbols:
Last edited by pdxdjazz; 07-16-2021 at 11:18 PM. Reason: Moved to existing discussion thread