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Thread: Forum Registration problems/cannot log in: HINTS HERE

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Forum Registration problems/cannot log in: HINTS HERE

    Keep in mind that you do NOT need to register in order to download songs and playlists.

    If you are having problems registering, here are some hints for success:
    • only use letters and/or numbers for your username (do not use hyphen or odd text characters - the system does not allow these and it can show an error)
    • answer the random question
    • remember to check (tick) the check-box at the bottom of the first page of registration to indicate you have read the forum rules
    • you will be required to confirm your registration to complete the registration process. Look for the confirmation email in your email (or spam email folder) and follow its instructions to confirm

    Lost Password Recovery:

    Generalized registration FAQ:

    Lost Password FAQ:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default I cannot log in ...

    If you have just registered, but cannot log in, you might not have registered correctly. During registration you need to confirm registration from an email the forum sent you. If you did not receive it to activate registration, then you are probably not registered.
    - look for the confirmation email in your email's spam folder to activate registration;
    - try registering again (see previous post for hints on registering);
    - you can get the forum software to send you a password reminder (it can be used to reset your password also) ...
    - on the page where you are trying to log in, there will be a password reset/reminder link;
    - make sure you put in your email address correctly (if you do not, the activation email will not arrive for you);
    - if you have an email spam blocker, you will need to set it to pass through the activation email.

    Lost password/reset password link:

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