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Thread: Sony PRS T1 - Android based eBook Reader!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Sony PRS T1 - Android based eBook Reader!


    I'd love to try "ireal b" on my Sony PRS T1!!! But unfortunately there is no google market app on it so I have to find a workaround.

    According to specs, it should work:

    800x600 touchscreen (eInk based)
    Android 2.2.1
    Freescale MX50 800MHz CPU with ARMv7 core (Cortex-A8, but without 3D accelerating GPU)

    Any ideas?

    I got ChordPad running already because it is listed in AndroidPit Market.... But unfortunately, irealb is available in Google market only.

    Cheers, Andi

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    irealb is available in android market, at least in the German version.

    I don't know, whether it works with the Sony . It's not on the list of compatible devices. would be nice, though.

    Sorry, I've found out that you have to "root" the PRS T1 first. Which means unlocking the android OS installed on it. There are descriptions how to do it on the net:

    Seems something for experts rather. Nothing for me.
    Last edited by nightowl; 12-02-2011 at 05:22 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by uboot View Post
    ...But unfortunately there is no google market app on it so I have to find a workaround.
    If you live in the US you could try Amazon Android app store.
    Let us know if you get it running.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Thumbs up

    I rooted my T1 from the first day on and yeah - I finally got irealb running as soon as Android Market became available for the T1

    Having realbook lead sheets was one of the main reasons for me to buy it! I find eInk screens way better to read than iPad&Friends.

    Even the Player does work! Although the device seems a bit underpowered for that (256MB RAM + 800MHz single-core Cortex A8 based Freescale iMX508 It crashes when switching styles too often... But I don't really need the player feature, or to be more precise: I only need drums and bass as I am a jazz piano player...

    So, if I set the piano volume to zero - does that mean that the piano track is not played & processed at all which would free some cpu resources? Or does it get processed regardless of that?

    Also, there are some other things that could be improved IMO:

    1.) I am used to Band in a Box, where entering chords is very straight forward. But in iRealB, it takes more clicks to enter a leadsheet and the interface is cluttered with lots of symbols / features that I need only sporatically. These could be put into a sub menu IMO.

    For chord entry there are 2 choices now:

    *) Entering via keyboard. This is very straight forward, but it takes unnecessarily many clicks to enter a progression, as I have to move forward the cursor manually and also have to manually activate the chord entry text field every time. The best solution for me would be an always active text field waiting for keyboard commands, two buttons to move the lead sheet cursors forth and back.

    *) Work your way through several popup dialogs. This takes too long for me, especially on an eInk device, where scrolling through lists causes much screen flickering. At this point I would prefer a complete set of key buttons and a complete set of chord type / alteration buttons instead of the current buttons for bars, marks, etc.

    2.) As I said, scrolling through lists causing lots of screen flicker on eInk. Therefore a way to turn pages instead of smooth scrolling for the song list would be handy. At the moment, I have remapped one of the page turn buttons of my T1 to spacebar, which makes the list scroll forward screenwise. But having dedicated up/down buttons for would be best.

    3.) It is really handy to have a search feature as I have more than 1300 songs in my library. But the only way to reset the letters entered last time is to press backspace. I oftenly accidentally enter letters to search for a new song, just to find that the letters from last search have remained, which is a bit annoying.

    4.) White text on black background does not look pretty on eInk. This is a general issue of Android. Fortunately the lead sheets can be displayed black on white, but I'd highly appreciate that for the song list as well.

    5.) I'd like to have a "backup/restore song library to sd card"-feature

    6.) I'd like to be able to reorder a setlist via drag&drop

    Ok, that's it for now.

    But you did a great job apart from that!!

    But don't spend to much energy on creating new styles. I like it as it is now and don't really need more of them... Better improve the interface

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Thanks for your suggestions. I'll keep them in mind as work progresses.

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