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Thread: Guys and Dolls - Frank Loesser

  1. #1

    Default Guys and Dolls - Frank Loesser

    Hey everyone, here’s an accurate chart for the Frank Loesser tune “Guys and Dolls”

  2. #2


    Your attempt to post a song chart was not successful.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014


    This is a clever tune from what in my opinion is the best musical ever.

    Loesser tends to use a lot of passing chords in some tunes, including this one. Here's what I think is a more jazz-friendly simplification of his harmonies.

    Guy and Dolls-Rev JE - Frank Loesser

    Jerry Engelbach
    Pianist • Arranger • Composer
    Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México
    Music Website
    Art Website
    The Internationale Website

  4. #4


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