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Thread: Ableton Link +MIDI CHORD/BASS Output for external synths, arpeggiators etc

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Ableton Link +MIDI CHORD/BASS Output for external synths, arpeggiators etc

    I currently use the iOS app NAVICHORD to be able to create simple chord progressions which are simple 3-5 note chords played just straight.

    NAVICHORD lets me feed the MIDI from this chord to one or more iOS or external synths and lets be assign the bottom Root ( or slash bass ) to a bass sound or arpeggiator while feeding the entire chord to - for example a synth with a pad preset, or a synth with an arpeggiator.

    I use Ableton Link to synchronise the temporal BPM and bar-positions to every other app running in iOS ( or on a MAC/PC DAW )

    Simply feeding this chord and its ROOT midi note to instruments in an iPad rig - wired by MIDI can produce some wonderfully rich multi-arpeggiated sounds - from simple chord progressions entered into NAVICHORD.

    But navichord doesn't have the rich feature set or number of bars or arranger feature of iReal Pro.

    iReal Pro would find a totally new user-base - one which even uses iReal Pro in LIVE situations for PLAYBACK instead of merely for sight reading charts - if iReal finally supports Ableton Link - and - instead of using its internal instruments - allows us to send MIDI from any style - to external instruments.

    The sonic potential and scope for reinvention of old jazz standards with external Ableton-Link-syncronised drum machines would be so much fun.

    And would turn iRealB from being just a practice tool and on-stage "RealBook" into an actual music performance and production tool.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2019


    ++1 this!
    It would be great

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2019


    Yes Please!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2019


    I would love to see Link functionality. Not sure how the MIDI implementation would work but its a cool idea.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2019


    Midi out would be amazing! Exporting is great but 3 channels out to control various synths and drum machines could be endless inspiration for continued practice. With this Ableton Link would be an almost necessary addition.
    Another implementation I imagine is each chord symbol in an arrangement as a button that triggers chord as midi as well. Allowing different improvisational arrangements of chords that already work together, sent to favorite sound source. Of course then Audiobus and AUM compatibility would certainly be just the bees knees as well.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default MIDI output and Ableton-Link support

    Please add separate MIDI output options for all your instrument parts.

    And Ableton-Link support to your feature set.
    And there can then be some options to just put out a single HELD chord for the PIANO channel to MIDI - and a simple ROOT ( or slash bass ) output for bass. The reason for this is that this can then be used to drive arpeggiators in other synth apps running in AUM or AudioBus.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 06-13-2019 at 01:22 PM. Reason: Moved to existing thread

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2019


    Amen. I use Ableton extensively and agree that it would provide a universe of options that do not seem to currently exist.

  8. #8


    +1 any kind of midi sync would be great

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013


    This would be awesome! It would indeed grow the use of the already great tool iReal Pro exponentially! I would love to enhance the drumming with Lumbeat's Soft- and Jazz Drummer leveraging the Ableton Link. Also, it would be so cool if we could export the midi as a starting point for some more complex arrangements in Ableton, record my playing along with the playback etc.
    Is there any plans for such an upgrade in the near future?
    Thanks for keeping up the great work.

  10. #10


    Welcome Snoop
    Thanks for your input.


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