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Thread: Text font size

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Text font size

    Since each devices have different font width (especially for music symbols), a way to work around this problem would be to add in the general setting a slider where the users could adjust the text font size

  2. #2


    This would only work if the different fonts have widths resulting from a scaling. E.g., if the glyph widths of one font are all 90% of the widths of the corresponding glyphs of the other font, an 111% scale would fix it. But with different fonts, some glyphs may be smaller, other glyphs may be wider.

    A better solution would be to designate the actual font to use, so you can be sure it is always the same font and the same glyphs with the same widths.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    You're probably right. Well, yes for sure an embedded font would be the best solution for sure so any devices could display the exact same thing

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    After discussing about the issue with a font provider tech support, the conclusion is that the only way to get those musical glyphs displayed in a consistent way across all devices is to embed them within the app (just like the chord symbols).
    The tech support said that not every system font actually includes those glyphs, so when it doesn't, some substitute glyphs may be used instead


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