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Thread: Email chart as JPEG?

  1. #1

    Default Email chart as JPEG?

    I've read that saving a screenshot may be a problem.
    Can the Android version directly email a chart as a jpg? (like the iOS version can)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hi Bob, No. They have prevented their OS from doing this for now because of security concerns. But we use:
    although if you are rooting your phone (rooting = jailbreaking) there are a number to choose from.

    Bob also the Android version has a few features missing (playback looping, only jazz styles, no audio export and a few others.)
    See website for what it has:

    ref: iReal b for Android v1.0.5
    Last edited by Starfish; 12-26-2011 at 02:45 PM.

  3. #3


    Thanks Warren,
    I'm still considering moving beyond my iPod Touch to a smartphone. The plan I was considering currently offers only the Moto.Bravo (Android). I love being able to quickly and conveniently email charts. Thanks for the No Root Screenshot option. I'll check it out. Though one reviewer complained,
    "I have to reconnect it to my computer and re enable it each time I want to use it. This is a real pain."
    I'll continue to consider my options. Maybe I'll have to just bite the bullet and get an iPad3G.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    "I have to reconnect it to my computer and re enable it each time I want to use it. This is a real pain."
    I'll continue to consider my options. Maybe I'll have to just bite the bullet and get an iPad3G.
    The screenshot app only needs to have the computer enable the feature. After that it works standalone unless you turn the phone off. When it is turned on again you need some computer to enable it again. I seldom turn the phone completely off. Perhaps that reviewer was using an older version, or some devices it does not work in the way it is meant to. You could contact the developer for confirmation if you are still thinking about Android.

    3G is very useful. On gigs I have had to download lyrics for singers who spontaneously want to sing a song they have forgotten some of the lyrics to, or picking up an iReal b chart when I do not have it and someone wants to play it (etc.) The size of an iPad is much better for viewing charts. I use my Android phone with iReal b if playing piano (it is near my eyes) but if playing sax, flute (etc.) I prefer iPad as I am further away from the music stand.

    iPad gives me access to scanned PDFs if I need notation. And I use Scorch for Sibelius files giving me my charts in any key (there is a transpose option.) There are some great apps for musicians on it.

    Post me some questions if you need help with your decision.


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