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Thread: Feature requests

  1. #481
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by miden View Post
    The ability to import and use PDF charts would be a great addition IMO.
    I'm not sure this is possible.
    This may be a pipe dream?
    I've attempted scanning into Finale with not much luck.

  2. #482
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default sort song list by key signature

    Would like to sort song list by key signature. New to this forum - hope I posted this in the right place - if not, please advise! Thanks!

  3. #483


    Quote Originally Posted by Hickoryjoe View Post
    Would like to sort song list by key signature. New to this forum - hope I posted this in the right place - if not, please advise! Thanks!
    Since all charts are key-labile, any chart can be instantly transposed to any key, and the key isn't fixed, i'm not sure what a key signature sort would accomplish.

    You could already set this up for personal use by including your preferred key for a chart IN THE TITLE.
    Then a keyword search of your song index would instantly list all songs labeled ”Eb" no matter what key the chart might have been transposed to.

    It would be helpful if there were a searchable "tag" field on each chart other than just the title.
    A way for users to attach multiple user-tags or keywords to individual songs in the index would be very useful.

    The tags for a song might be entered (and displayed) ONLY in the song editor, perhaps as a second (hidden) line in the title field. The tag/keyword line would not display on the chart in song view, but still might be searchable using the current song index (title) search field.

    Without needing to maintain many separate playlists, a user could instantly, using the index search, bring-up all charts they've tagged as Sinatra, Cole, Como, Beatles, wedding, holiday, 1940's, a vocalist(s) or band(s) they perform with, or any other keyword(s) they chose to attach...*

    Currently, users append personal notes in the title which is quite cumbersome.

    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 11-17-2014 at 06:34 PM. Reason: Posted from LIZARD LICK, NC on my way back to the airport...

  4. #484
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    I have started to gig again (solo piano) and am using iReal Pro with about half of the tunes I play. For each gig, I prepare a playlist. I also have lists of tunes to choose from. Thus, I am beginning to have many playlists, which contain some of the same songs from list to list. I now find that there is little facility to edit, merge, and compare playlists within iReal Pro. I have partially solved the problem by using the Share feature to e-mail each playlist to my computer, saving the attached playlist to a file, and printing the file with a pdf printer driver to create pdfs of a list of the titles within each playlist. OK--so now I can more easily compare what's in each playlist, but I still can't merge the playlists. Nor can I go to a song title and find out if it is a playlist(s), and which list(s) it is in.
    Back in September, I made a request of a similar kind (see the quote above). Instead of a searchable field with keywords, I'd be willing to maintain a number of playlists with different characteristics if I could identify which playlists any song were in, and if I could also do standard database-type manipulations on the lists. With thousands of songs on our devices, we need to be able to sort and filter them in various ways. I think that using playlists would be more reliable, because tags can be misspelled when entered, making them useless, whereas a song either is in a playlist or it isn't. In any case, I do hope that something can be done to help us manage these large song collections. I agree with Bob that appending notes in the title is not an efficient system, and adds information that another would find superfluous when a chord chart is downloaded.
    Last edited by Keith88; 11-18-2014 at 10:37 AM.

  5. #485
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default key signature sort

    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    Since all charts are key-labile, any chart can be instantly transposed to any key, and the key isn't fixed, i'm not sure what a key signature sort would accomplish.

    Thanks for the reply, Bob!

    My goal with “key signature sort” was to be able practice/ learn multiple songs in the same key - so, for instance, if I wanted to focus on songs in the key of Eb, then I could sort all Eb songs and learn them one by one.

    I understand the keys are all changeable and transposable but I was referring to what I thought would be the original key from the original composition. Of course, when people upload their own version of popular songs, it could be in any random key…

    Thanks for the suggestion about amending the title to include the key signature. That will work for me when i get time to look through songs and add the key to the title. Thanks!

  6. #486

    Default Sort by key - WISH

    Quote Originally Posted by Hickoryjoe View Post
    Thanks for the reply, Bob!

    My goal with “key signature sort” was to be able practice/ learn multiple songs in the same key - so, for instance, if I wanted to focus on songs in the key of Eb, then I could sort all Eb songs and learn them one by one.

    I understand the keys are all changeable and transposable but I was referring to what I thought would be the original key from the original composition.
    I've been wishing for this for a long time - glad I'm not alone.
    This is my wish:

    - sort by key
    1) original
    2) transposed
    Live freely. Respect the planet.

  7. #487

    Default Playlist compare / "song belongs to which playlist" function

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith88 View Post
    [...] if I could identify which playlists any song were in, and if I could also do standard database-type manipulations on the lists. With thousands of songs on our devices, we need to be able to sort and filter them in various ways. I think that using playlists would be more reliable, because tags can be misspelled when entered, making them useless, whereas a song either is in a playlist or it isn't.
    I second this:
    - compare playlists
    - view playlists a song BELONGS TO

    As of now, in order to find, organize or delete duplicates, I open the backup file as text, save all single playlists to text files, and do searches for "text in file", and when I download a playlist I risk more duplicates...

  8. #488


    Quote Originally Posted by Kalokagathon View Post
    I've been wishing for this for a long time - glad I'm not alone.
    This is my wish:

    - sort by key
    1) original
    2) transposed
    Ah, what defines the default (er, correct?) key for a song?

    Is it the key of the earliest published sheet music?
    The key as published in widely distributed real(fake) books?
    The key performed in the most well-known recording? Or popular, or earliest?
    How about, simply how I prefer to play it?

    Sometimes they are the same, often they're not.

    I suspect the default designation of the keys for most tunes in the main playlists were simply based on, "as commonly played".

    An important iRp feature is the app's ability to instantly transpose any song, as well as to easily maintain differently keyed versions in multiple playlists to accomodate different ensembles and vocalists.

    It's clear from this thread, that the needs expressed by many are different and varied.

    Every added feature increases the design complexity, the complexity of the user interface, the "clutter" on the tiny screens that some prefer, as well as the end user's learning curve, the length of the instruction manual(s) not to mention confusion..

    "Better" for some, isn't necessarily better for others.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 11-19-2014 at 07:50 PM.

  9. #489


    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    Ah, what defines the default (er, correct?) key for a song?

    Is it the key of the earliest published sheet music?
    The key as published in widely distributed real(fake) books?
    The key performed in the most well-known recording? Or popular, or earliest?
    How about, simply how I prefer to play it?
    Easy, actually: its default key, as saved in the "info" section.
    Playlist keys or transpositions shouldn't matter, in search. Or at least, it'd my business to keep that into account.

    Quote Originally Posted by pdxdjazz View Post
    Every added feature increases the design complexity, the complexity of the user interface, the "clutter" on the tiny screens that some prefer, as well as the end user's learning curve, the length of the instruction manual(s) not to mention confusion..

    "Better" for some, isn't necessarily better for others.
    Understand, and generally agree.
    But - if there is a feature, people will figure out how to use it as they need/wish.

    I still think it's a great app without the key search; could be better... ;-)
    Live freely. Respect the planet.

  10. #490
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Hickoryjoe View Post
    ... My goal with “key signature sort” was to be able practice/ learn multiple songs in the same key - so, for instance, if I wanted to focus on songs in the key of Eb, then I could sort all Eb songs and learn them one by one.
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts on this—much appreciated.
    If you are learning a specific key, I would suggest making a Playlist for them, and then any song you later find in that key can be easily added. Although not a 'smart playlist' I am sure this would give you enough practice songs until you are proficient enough to bring up any song and transpose to any key you wish to practice in. Also in that playlist could be songs not set in that key but ones you wish to practice in that key anyway (the playlist remembers those songs in the transposed key but remain in their default keys, or any other it is set to, elsewhere).

    I also agree with adding the key to the title. I often duplicate the song then append its title, adding either the band or singer's name (or key in your case). Usually they go into band or singer playlists but sometimes not needed. Then use Search for just that text string. For instance, 'Autumn Leaves pxc' then search for pxc and they all list. For singers, I change the default key to their key, sometimes I even put the key in the title also so I see it in the Songs index (I often don't really need the chart, just the key). Also being a duplicate, I can add a specific intro or ending they require.

    I realise some of you are more advanced players and want lists based on keys for specific reasons. Thanks for your thoughts on this, which we have here for reference. Additional comments welcome.

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