I saved a playlist to my Google Drive account from iReal running in BlueStacks on my Windows desktop. Then I opened the file in Google Drive on my Android phone. I get a screen in iReal's font and color scheme that gives the name of the playlist and a list of the songs in it, followed by "Made with iReal Pro" and then "To import this song/playlist tap or click the link on an Android or iOS device or Mac with iReal Pro installed."

That's as far as I can get. Tapping the name of the playlist (which is underlined and looks like a link) doesn't do anything at all. Chosing "open with" from the Android menu in the upper right hand corner allows me to "Complete action using" Chrome, HTML Viewer, and OfficeSuite but does not include iRealPro in this list.

My phone's system files and iReal Pro are both the most recent available.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.