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Thread: It Only Happens When I Dance With You - Irving Berlin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default It Only Happens When I Dance With You - Irving Berlin

    "It Only Happens When I Dance With You" is a song from the 1948 classic film "Easter Parade" with words and music by Irving Berlin. It is a song of seduction, appearing three times in the film with different couples: an unsuccesful seduction by Fred Astaire of Ann Miller; a successful seduction by Fred Astaire of Judy Garland; and an unsuccessful seduction by Ann Miller of Fred Astaire. All three versions from the film can be found on Youtube. A detailed history of the film's production can be found at where it is recounted that Irving Berlin wrote the song specifically with Judy Garland in mind.

    The song has an AA' structure, with the second A extended by four measures from the usual sixteen. The melody contains sections of sinuous phrases that I have always found difficult to harmonize. There are standard chord changes, as in The Movie Fake Book published by Hal Leonard. However, I have never been satisfied with them. I listened to many performances before happening on one by Morgana King at (ignore the video). Although I am not a fan of her singing, I was pleased with how the band behind her handled the harmony of the second phrase in measures 5 through 8 and have incorporated this in my chord chart. I also have never been satisfied with Berlin's harmonies at measure 10 through 14 and have substituted my own changes for his.

    This is a favorite tune of mine and I hope you like the chord chart. It works well with the Ballad - Swing style at 130 bpm.

    It Only Happens When I Dance With You ( k rev) - Irving Berlin

  2. #2


    That was beautiful Keith. Do you take requests?

    I've Got Plenty to Be Thankful For - Irving Berlin (Holiday Inn)

    New thread:
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 10-25-2016 at 12:03 PM. Reason: Copied to its own thread


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