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Thread: Chord type request

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Chord type request

    Could it be possible to add the chord type Major b5? (which is a major triad with a diminished fifth: 1, 3, b5 or 1, 3, #4)
    There's already a 7b5 chord type, but the Major b5 (without 7th) can open a wide range of new chords (when having different bass notes) that are not possible with the existing chord types in IRP. These chords are widely used in flamenco, fusion and modern jazz.
    This new chord type could actually replace some redundant chord types in the existing library (∆7 = ∆, m7b5 = Ø = Ø7, etc...)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    I can see the advantage of having the new chord in the list but not to replace any of the other ones you mentioned. They're all different chords.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    So what would be the differences in IRP between:
    1) m7b5 and Ø and Ø7
    2) Δ and Δ7

  4. #4


    Hi CyrilleB,

    I'm no expert, but I guess the nuance is that when you write Δ you are saying , "this is a I or IV chord" (if you see CΔ you are kind of free to play C, CΔ7, CΔ9, C6, etc.) and when you write Δ7, what you're saying is "This is a I or IV chord and you have to play the Seventh".
    But these are just my assumptions.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    I admit, there are many possible interpretation of the ∆ symbol.
    But the most common one is that C∆ for example does include a major 7th.
    For a free interpretation of major chords (I or IV), it would just be written as C (without any symbols), so anyone could think of it as a C or C6, C6/9, C2, C5, etc...
    In IRP, I don't see any difference between ∆ and ∆7 when play by the player. Maybe the developers could confirm this.
    How about the half-diminished chords? (m7b5 vs ∅ vs ∅7), what would be the difference?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    I just want to add that in jazz (and other form of improvised music), there's lots of freedom in choosing voicings and chords types. When it comes to a C or CM7 chord, it could be played C6, Cadd9, CMaj9, CMaj13, C6/9, CM7#11, and some more.
    But in popular music, those chords are not always interchangeable. Try playing a CMaj7 chord where it's supposed to be a C triad (or vice-versa), and it won't always sound right.. Even in some cases, a specific inversion is often needed.
    Same thing apply with minor chords. In jazz, a minor chord can often be played with m, m7, m6, mMa7, m11, m9, m13, sus4 chords etc,..
    But in popular music, playing a Cm7 where it's supposed to be a Cm, may not always sound right (it may not sound awful of course, but just not the right "color")

  7. #7


    These two posts in the Glossary thread address that question:

    Since the player algorhythm constructs a brand new track each time it's started, it can be confusing to figure out if the chords discussed are treated differently. I don't think they are.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    According to this glossary thread, it appears (as I thought) that CM7 = C∆ = C∆7 and so Cm7b5 = C∅ = C∅7
    So if this glossary is correct, there are indeed redundant chord symbols.
    We could just keep C∆ and C∅, ditch the others to make room for some new chord types. Just my opinion.

  9. #9


    I can see the utility in accommodating chord symbols in common usage even though they may be redundant.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    If it's just about visual/graphic and doesn't change anything about the way the player play the song, why don't just let users set their own preference, just like it is now with minor signs "m" or "-"?


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