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Thread: Playlist: Move to top feature requested

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Playlist: Move to top feature requested

    Could it be possible to add a function that could move any songs in a playlist to the top of the list?
    After adding songs to a playlist, they always end up at the bottom of the list (which is not a bad thing), but the problem is that when I need to change the order of a playlist (set list), it takes forever to drag each single song to the very top of the list. Especially for playlists of 200 songs!
    In the earlier versions, there wasn't this problem because we could type in the location any songs in the playlist, but not anymore.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Open the playlist, use Edit, and move individual entries. On my iPad.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    On Android there is no edit in playlists.
    All we can do to move songs is to drag them up or down one at a time.
    Also we can only drag about 10 songs up or down each time. So you can imagine how much time it takes to move a single song from the end of a playlist to the top in a playlist that contains 100+ songs in it!

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