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Thread: ReInstall iReal Pro after Resetting Phone.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default ReInstall iReal Pro after Resetting Phone.

    I've seen others on the forum have similar issues, though have not found a resolution. Technimo people gave prompt reply and are trying to figure it out from their end.

    The problem:

    After a hard reset of my phone (Nexus 6) - app does not appear in my list of paid apps on the Google Play store. So, cannot re-install. Of course, there is the option to purchase it again, but why do that?

    I've previoulsy purchased iRealb/ iRealPro for my original Motorola Droid, then again for iOS/ OSX- and yet again for my Nexus 6 in 2014. So, over the past 5 years, 3 purchases with all in app purchases.

    iRealPro is my favorite most used app and I use it as a practice and composition tool.

    Anywho- chime in if you've had a similar experience, please.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Please contact Google Play’s support team as we don’t have access to billing. They will help you to find out what email address is associated with the account. Then you can install the app again for free.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    UPDATE :

    Contacted by Technimo/ iReal Pro directly. Helpful in attempting to solve the problem. Though, there was no resolution. Directed to Google Play Store/ Customer Support. Very helpful, though solutions are somewhat useless, clearing data/ cache of certain apps. Still no resolution, even with being able to demonstrate method of payment (Google Play Store credit) and email account of transaction. The app has just gone missing/ does not show up anywhere.

    Problem is : after hard reset of phone back to factory settings, iReal Pro goes missing from account of paid apps for reinstall.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by lhaiman View Post
    UPDATE :

    Contacted by Technimo/ iReal Pro directly. Helpful in attempting to solve the problem. Though, there was no resolution. Directed to Google Play Store/ Customer Support. Very helpful, though solutions are somewhat useless, clearing data/ cache of certain apps. Still no resolution, even with being able to demonstrate method of payment (Google Play Store credit) and email account of transaction. The app has just gone missing/ does not show up anywhere.

    Problem is : after hard reset of phone back to factory settings, iReal Pro goes missing from account of paid apps for reinstall.
    We can only search for email addresses in Google and there is no purchase with your email address. In this case, the app won't show up on your device since there is no purchase associated with your account.

    You need to find the receipt of your purchase to resolve this issue.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Niki View Post
    We can only search for email addresses in Google and there is no purchase with your email address. In this case, the app won't show up on your device since there is no purchase associated with your account.

    You need to find the receipt of your purchase to resolve this issue.
    Final update :

    Google is unable to resolve this issue. I've provided them, with certainty, the email account and method of payment that was used for the purchase. (Google Play Store Credit). Everything related to the app has disappeared from my account. This is the SECOND time this has happened on the Android platform. The app works perfectly through updates, resets etc. on iOS. Of course, this experience will influence the devices that I use.

    In terms of service, everyone has been willing to help resolve the issue. I just get a sense that nobody is empowered enough to go beyond simple instructions and trouble shooting information that can be found on any forum or FAQ. We get to a point where we are in this endless loop, retracing our steps and repeating ourselves. Seriously. I've lost count how many times someone asked me to verify the email account of origin.

    Big deal. It's a $12-$20 app. I can buy it a 4th time, right?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by lhaiman View Post
    Final update :

    Google is unable to resolve this issue. I've provided them, with certainty, the email account and method of payment that was used for the purchase. (Google Play Store Credit). Everything related to the app has disappeared from my account. This is the SECOND time this has happened on the Android platform. The app works perfectly through updates, resets etc. on iOS. Of course, this experience will influence the devices that I use.

    In terms of service, everyone has been willing to help resolve the issue. I just get a sense that nobody is empowered enough to go beyond simple instructions and trouble shooting information that can be found on any forum or FAQ. We get to a point where we are in this endless loop, retracing our steps and repeating ourselves. Seriously. I've lost count how many times someone asked me to verify the email account of origin.

    Big deal. It's a $12-$20 app. I can buy it a 4th time, right?
    I contacted Google as well and they confirmed that there is no purchase with your email address. Once your payment goes through, you receive an email confirmation with the order number and email address. Without this information, they won't be able to help you. I requested a refund for you and that's what they said:
    "You can let the user know that there's no existing order associated with his email and you can refer him to Google Payments consumer team for other troubleshooting instructions. It will be their decision if it's possible for the balance to be returned to your user's account."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    I appreciate the effort, but we're going in circles at this point. Perhaps delete this thread, as I don't see how it will be helpful to anyone.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Sorry about all this, it must be very frustrating for you.
    Is iReal Pro the only app doing this (disappearing) each time you have had to reset? Google tech support have no other reports of others having the same problem after resetting? It is not a bug?
    And you say that the same (is it?) email address has been used each time? (I presume you are absolutely sure no other email address was used? If you think there could have been others, they can run a search on those.)

    (This reply is probably not helpful either)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Thanks, it appears to be a Google issue. Everyone is nice enough about it, but what can you do? Love iReal Pro. Will continue using on iOS.

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