Here are 20 generic I IV V chord progressions in G to practice improvising. Change tempos and keys on them, eventually working through all keys. All these are in 4/4 time, but change them to 3/4 as well.


Generic Bluegrass Chord Progressions For Improvising Practice (19)

Individual songs:
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 1 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 2 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 3 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 4 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 5 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 6 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 7 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 8 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 9 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 10 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 11 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 12 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 13 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 14 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 15 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 17 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 16 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 19 - Traditional
Generic Bluegrass Improv Progression 20 - Traditional

I'll post more from time to time.