
I'm having some trouble importing a new tune (that I created in the editor) to my iPod Touch. In the editor I click the "song to device button," and while the blue underlined link shows up on my computer, it is not blue and underlined on my iPod. This, however, is off and on, and it sometimes will work. When the link does work, I select it to import it, but when it shows up on my iPod screen, it is only a blank page with the title (the chord symbols and barlines mysteriously disappear). When I select the link from my computer, the file opens in the editor just fine with all chords intact.

Here is the link (It may not work, so let me know if it can't be opened):

irealbook://Rise%20And%20Shine%3DGlasper%20Robert%3DEven%208th 's%3DF%3Dn%3D%7B*AT44F%5E7%20Db%5E7%20%7CBb-7%20G-7%20%7CD%5E7%20G-7%20%7Cpppp%7CDb%5E7%20sC%5E7%20%7CT24lF%5E7%20p%2 0%7CT44Bb-11%20G-11%20%7Cpppp%7C%7CN1G-11%20D-11%20%7Cpppp%7D%7CN2Db%5E7%20C7%239%235%20%7Cpppp% 5D%5B*BF-11%20%20%20%7C%20x%20%20%7C%20%20%20r%7C%20%20%20% 20%7C%20%20%20r%7C%20%20%20%20%7C%20%20%20r%7C%3CS olos%20AABB%3E%20%20%20U%20%5D%3CAfter%20solos%2C% 20play%20head%2C%20then%20vamp%20B%20till%20fade%3 E%20