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Thread: Chords on upbeats and anticipations

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Chords on upbeats and anticipations

    Is there a way to indicate chords falling on the upbeat - or even just a curved line showing them anticipated prior to a beat? I'm more interested in being able to show a chord chart that indicates this to a live musician, than necessarily having the Player play them.

    Apologies if this is already covered somewhere, I haven't been able to find it.

    Many thanks,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    The new emojis now used in the latest OSs do not seem to include eighth notes etc. which could have been used in the past. You could use a text character or letter for your own use.
    (Be aware, currently many emoticons will not appear in songs when you tap them.)

  3. #3


    I've posted these before but here are some text characters I find occasion to use, including some curved lines:

    ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯ △ ▵ › ≻ > ● • ‿ ⁀ ⁔ ┏ 3 ┓ ┗ 3 ┛ ⌈ 3 ⌉ ⌊ 3 ⌋
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    It appears that at least the sharp and flat characters no longer work in Text. Not on my iPhone 5 anyway. I see nothing in any Text in which they are included.
    Last edited by nimbleswitch; 06-01-2015 at 10:26 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    I wonder if a way around this would be;

    1. inclusion of 8/8 as a time signature (stay with me here...) and
    2. inclusion of the option of a time signature being invisible when the chart is printed or viewed...

    This would provide the option of including chords on any of the 8 eighth notes that appear in the bar, (which would be equivalent to all the beats and all the half beats). The invisible time signature would mean a musician reading the chart would not be confused by the workaround. You could put slash marks in the text field to indicate where the quarter notes fall for clarity if need be.

    Apologies if I'm asking for something requiring fiendishly difficult programming. In theory do you think it could work?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2010


    Many thanks DaleMac

    I have experimented with using the symbols below (the rest symbols seem to show as squares here rather than the correct symbols) and they cause the file to crash when I open it from Drop box on my Ipad. (Error message; "The file could not be opened"). Not all the time, but far too often to consider the files useable.

    Are there any rest symbols that work?

    ♩�� ♪ �� �� �� ♫

  7. #7


    I'm still running iOS 6.1 on my old iPod, so I don't know which symbols currently work. Even so, I use them very infrequently and just as personal reminders - iRP was never designed to be a detailed scoring program.
    There's two kinds of mistakes you can play: The ones you notice, and the ones somebody else might notice.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Default Chords on upbeats PLEASE

    I love this app. I use it extensively both for my private teaching and for myself to practice with, and I regularly recommend it to my jazz improv students. More than anything else the one feature that's missing that I really need is the ability to put chords on upbeats. As a teacher it would really help to have this feature so I can write out and listen to jazz standards with syncopated chords correctly (for instance Stolen Moments by Oliver Nelson). I did read about the clever hack one user discovered by creating a 3/4 bar and adding an extra space followed by a 5/4 bar, and it does work but only for very limited use. A fully functional chord syncopation feature is really needed and I daresay overdue. You have done great work by creating this much-needed app, and by the way I really like the blues styles you added and I am using them quite a bit. Thank you for your consideration.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 10-05-2017 at 04:05 PM. Reason: Moved to existing discussion thread

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacworld View Post
    I love this app. I use it extensively both for my private teaching and for myself to practice with, and I regularly recommend it to my jazz improv students. More than anything else the one feature that's missing that I really need is the ability to put chords on upbeats. As a teacher it would really help to have this feature so I can write out and listen to jazz standards with syncopated chords correctly (for instance Stolen Moments by Oliver Nelson). I did read about the clever hack one user discovered by creating a 3/4 bar and adding an extra space followed by a 5/4 bar, and it does work but only for very limited use. A fully functional chord syncopation feature is really needed and I daresay overdue. You have done great work by creating this much-needed app, and by the way I really like the blues styles you added and I am using them quite a bit. Thank you for your consideration.
    I agree with requesting Chords on upbeats and finer resolution for chord Placement for Syncopation and more complex harmonic Rhythms.

    I requested this on the ' Request Survey ' with a possible workaround for Programmers which
    could be the USER using a Double Time Tempo and placing the Chords in Half Time and some way to AUTOMATICALLY cause the Drums
    and Basslines to PLAY in HALF TIME .
    This MAY prevent the Software Engineers from Having to re-write a lot of Code and make it easier to get this Function.

    8/8 or 8/16 Time Signature is another way as said.

    A third way without much interference with existing use would be an 'exception ' where a
    False Barline goes right through the Chord ( I have done this but it has no effect but sometimes it seems to ).

    Placing the 'false barline ' through the chord symbol could cause it to play on the 8th note in other words.

    A paid added feature with finer and snycopated resolution would be Great IMO.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    Here are the glyphs that I use the most (on Android):
    ґ (¼ note rest)
    ฯ (⅛ note rest)
    ᮺ (sixteenth note rest)
    ━ (½ or whole note rest)
    ╒ (sixteenth note)
    ◇ (whole note)
    ◜³◝◟³◞ (triplet bracket)
    ♩.♪♫♬ (misc. notes)
    ︵︶ (ties)
    Feel free to copy and paste


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