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Thread: using multiple devices

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default using multiple devices

    Hi Folks.i have purchased real Pro and it is on my android phone.I also have a ipad but it is asking me to pay again in the apple store ,signed in with the same address i used in google play. if i go to google play it shows the android phone installed but does not show any device available to install to again ,and thats with my ipad 3 signed in with the same email.

    anyway maybe some one could help.
    Much appreciated.Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    i just read that you dont have to pay again to run on multiple devices as long as you are signed in with your apple store account.
    well i paid it in the google play account...same email address as my apple store though.

  3. #3


    The android app (Google play store) and the iOS app (iPad, iPhone from the iTunes store) are entirely different apps, with separate extensive development. (The Mac app is also different) They are sold separately and are not interchangeable.
    I use both iPad and android and have gladly purchased both. Truly a bargain for what they do!
    They are compatible in that I can easily transfer charts and playlists between them.

    Currently, you can download each app into more than one compatible device without additional cost.
    I hope that addresses your concern,
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 04-02-2015 at 03:55 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    They are separate store accounts—not to be confused with using the same email address to log in if that is what you do. Once you purchase from one particular store, another similar device that uses that same store can download already purchased apps again for free.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Thank-you both for clearing that up.
    i now see that apple store is for iPads ,iPhones etc and google play is for android .
    now i have an iPad as well so i will have to purchase again. i just wasn't sure
    but i do understand that if i have several androids i can share the one purchase on those devices usually anyway and the same with mac hopefully.
    yes the program is really worth it as long as i get enough use from it,i wanted to try it on a used iPad 3 with the larger screen.
    Thanks again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Default Nueva instalacion

    Tengo instalado el programa en mi tablet y quisiera instalarlo en mi telefono. Como puedo hacer?
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 08-27-2018 at 12:11 PM. Reason: Moved to existing thread

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Thumbs down iReal Pro on IOS and Andriod

    I have just been told by the iReal people that I cannot transfer my license from my ios device to my Andriod, is, I have to pay for another license for the Andriod. Bought the software for iPad ios only a month ago, but the iPad died on me, so decided to buy Samsung Tab using Android. But now I cannot use the iReal Pro unless I pay for it again. This really sucks! Not sure whether anyone of you had this experience

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by davidgoh View Post
    I have just been told by the iReal people that I cannot transfer my license from my ios device to my Andriod, is, I have to pay for another license for the Andriod. Bought the software for iPad ios only a month ago, but the iPad died on me, so decided to buy Samsung Tab using Android. But now I cannot use the iReal Pro unless I pay for it again. This really sucks! Not sure whether anyone of you had this experience
    If you get another i-device, phone or tablet use the same store account and load the app without charge.

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