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Thread: Rests ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Rests ??

    I think this one has been around before but I can't seem to find anything. Suppose I want a hit on the first beat and then rest for the rest of the measure. Any way to do that? Also, when a measure overflows from one line to the next, which is frequently (at least in my editing) during playback the "cursor" (aka p[osition marker) completyely disappears and we don't know where we are. Its quite distracting when you are first learning a tune. Any fix for that?

  2. #2


    Rests: at this time, only N.C. (no chord) can be used. The drums continue.
    A measure shouldn't wrap into the next system. It makes the chart hard to read and causes other problems (as you discovered)
    If you'd like help with a chart, post it.


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