
The user has control of the appearance and content of the chart-view screen.

On your phone/tablet by touching the chart (single tap) the screen will toggle between player controls and full-screen chart view.

In the app's General Settings, you can choose (or not) Default to Full Screen.
When “on”, your charts will open in full-screen view. You!ll need to tap to bring up the player controls, I suspect you'd prefer it set to “off”.

If you experience difficulty switching between full-screen and player view while using the app on a PC with an android emulator, the issue likely is from the emulator.

Currently airturn isn’t available for android.
If you are using iRp in a performance setting, a dependable way to silence the player without using your hands is to insert a foot pedal between the iRp device audio output and your amp’s input. A simple A/B pedal or in-line tuner pedal with a mute function will work great. After the player audio is muted, you can stop the player, select your next song, un-mute the audio signal and start the player when desired.