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Thread: Mac OSX Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Default Mac OSX Keyboard Shortcuts

    I've searched the forums and all the keyboard shortcut threads are from 2013, I'm looking specifically for a shortcut to insert a the repeat bar symbols (not bar lines), as well as being able to remove a chord without having to backspace each letter in the chord. I rarely use the mouse, so having these two would make input songs much quicker. If this isn't currently available is it a feature that may be available in the future (ideally being able to assign custom shortcuts to every action in the UI)?

    And thanks for the great product!

  2. #2


    I rarely use the mouse...
    I'm not a Mac user.
    That said, I found this:
    “hover mouse over the editor buttons for tool tips”

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    If you are referring to the repeat previous measure, it is %

    You should see the key commands in the various menus (to the right of the menu action).

    Repeat barlines
    For repeat barlines, Edit > Insert > Barlines
    There is one for opening and another for closing repeat barlines.

    If you are using the arrows to navigate through the chords then need to correct one, just start typing, for instance changing a chord to F7, arrow to the incorrect chord, then type f then 7 then the Return key to enter it and move to the next space.
    Does this work for you?


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