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Thread: (CLOSED) How to add a 13th line (system) to a chord chart.

  1. #11

    Default 13th System doesn’t work in new update

    So, I too was using the 13th line trick for a bunch of charts, but I’ve noticed when I click edit, the new layout causes that last line to be deleted. So I guess 13 is no longer available. This is very frustrating ‘cause I’ve lost a lot of endings or transitions in songs that were quite elaborate and hard to find a proper way to depict.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 08-14-2021 at 10:01 AM. Reason: Copied here from elsewhere

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Yes sorry the 13th system will not display anymore on recent iOS devices after we redesigned the layout in the recent updates.
    We are aware either two-page or support for more systems will be useful for longer songs, we have this on a list for consideration in the future.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 08-14-2021 at 10:01 AM. Reason: Copied here from elsewhere

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    You can reduce the space in a measure in many instances:
    for example a 4/4 song needn't have 4 spaces in each measure, it can be reduced to either 2 or even 1 space (depending on the number of chords in that measure).
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 08-14-2021 at 10:01 AM. Reason: Copied here from elsewhere


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