Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang by Bricusse-Barry

View to a Kill by Duran-Barry

Another Way to Die by White-Arnold

Not _at_all_ one of my favourites (IMO almost as inappropriate and forgettable as Die Another Day), but someone asked me about it the other day. What's to say about four power chords over a heavy hollowed-out Amen break... Still, some people seem to love it.

What is interesting is that the basic chord structure is a straight rip from Cornell's You Know My Name. That was:
Bm G E

This is:

Which is thematically appropriate, since the film Quantum of Bollocks, sorry, Solace was a direct follow-on sequel from Casino Royale. So, some thought involved!

PS If anyone's interested, Die Another Day is all of:
| Cm | Ab Bb |