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Thread: Guitar Tab?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Default Guitar Tab?

    Is it possible to create guitar tabs in the irealbook? If not, do you know any program which does it? Best Stein

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hello Stein,
    no iReal book does not do guitar tabs.
    If you do a search on the words 'guitar tab' in the iTunes app store you will find some.
    Thanks for your question and joining the forum.

  3. #3


    Some chordcarts zdon't show de guitar cords

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Kovannieuwkerk View Post
    Some chordcarts zdon't show de guitar cords
    Are you saying that some charts do not display guitar chord diagrams?
    Please share an example.

    Some charts in personal playlists are "empty" (no chords at all) and only have the song title. They were probably included as place-holder or reminder in a performance set-list.

    Info on searching and requesting songs:


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