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Thread: Editor silently truncates songs

  1. #1

    Default Editor silently truncates songs


    I can import and play a song of 15 lines of 4 bars of 4 cells (240 cells), but when I invoke the editor the song is silently truncated to just over 200 cells.

    I do not mind the editor and player having limits, but a warning message or popup question would be appreciated.

  2. #2


    Have you read this?

    Especially post #3

    To edit the final lines (systems) on oversized charts, you may need to cut/reinsert earlier lines.

    Remember, the app is designed to provide a readable single-page chart on a standard smartphone.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 04-24-2015 at 05:20 PM.

  3. #3


    Well, the notion of 'standard smartphone' has evolved quite a lot the last couple of years... Bigger displays, more memory, more CPU power.

    I view the 15-line song on a 10.1 (Android) tablet in portrait mode and it is perfectly readable, even with my old and weary eyes.
    I think it would be easy and straighforward to increase some of iRealPro's internal limits. The hard part is the fact that the editor does not support scrolling through the song lines, which may be non-trivial to implement.

    A question to the dev team: What is the maximum number of lines the player (not the editor) can handle?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    I routinely use the Player with 13 lines (systems) created in iRP's Editor, but 14 lines don't work for me.
    Last edited by nimbleswitch; 04-27-2015 at 07:30 PM.

  5. #5


    The largest song I've played so far had 23 lines. Note that this song was created by an external tool since the iRealPro editor cannot handle songs of this size.

    MODERATOR: Should this be Android specific, please feel free to move this thread to the appropriate forum.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    As you have worked out (not that I ever tried it) it is not related to lines (systems). You have developed workarounds for your longer songs and yes there are no warnings for you
    We are aware of the need for longer songs or the use of multiple pages and have this on a list for consideration in the future.
    A midi file is created at the time you press Play and can be reasonably long because of the number of measures, form, time signature and repeats required. The player simply plays it.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    You have developed workarounds for your longer songs and yes there are no warnings for you
    I can live with that .


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