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Thread: Cb Minor Vs. B Minor? Transposition Confusion

  1. #1

    Default Cb Minor Vs. B Minor? Transposition Confusion

    Hey, guys. I apologize if a topic about this has already been made; I wasn't able to find one after some searching.

    When transposing songs in the iReal Book app, let's say, Harlem Nocturne, from A Minor down a minor third, most people would be able to understand it as F# Minor. In the app, on the other hand, it's transposed to Gb minor, which goes deep into the double-flat range. It's no major problem, but just a slight inconvenience to have to think of it the other way in such an unfamiliar key. Is there any way to fix this and transpose these songs enharmonically from Gb to F# instead?

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    yes there can be odd enharmonic translations when transposing (you might notice it also in using the automatic transpose in Practice as each chorus plays in a different key.)
    If you regularly play a song in a specific key, duplicate it then in Song Edit change to that key in song Info (Set and Transpose) then correct any of the enharmonics then save. This effectively locks the song in that key with the enharmonic chords written how you best want to view them.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    enharmonics.... on the other hand, being presented with unexpected ways to describe a chord....Gb vs F# is a really good way to not be taken unawares should the need arise without warning....and it will.
    Last edited by jonkip; 11-24-2012 at 10:13 PM. Reason: had words left in my brain

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    I linked to this thread from the Mac Forum. What I did here was on a mac
    I don't know if this works on an IOS device?

    I did Miserlou in E. When transposed to Eb it came out in Db with lots of Cb's.

    the fix ?

    [Using the editor, I reset] the key to F (the second chord) [not set and]transpose
    Now for alto we get C#'s and B's.

    It did not affect the concert version at all.

    I don't really know how or why this worked but this thread and a few others helped me get the idea to try it.

    *[moderator edit for clarity] )BOB
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 03-30-2017 at 03:54 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    This issue came up again and the funny thing is, I'm looking for the answer and find it here ….answered by……………me.

    is this what they call a senior moment?

    I do really wish there was a quick way to just say "Favor Sharps or Flats"
    It's one of the nice things that Smart Music does.

  6. #6

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