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Thread: Will importing songs/playlists alter charts in my library?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2022

    Default Will importing songs/playlists alter charts in my library?

    If I have some standards I've edited in my iPhone app on a playlist, these too will be altered to revert to the original chart? Thx!
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 03-21-2024 at 05:18 PM. Reason: Misposted in main playlist thread

  2. #2


    Importing charts/playlists will not alter existing charts in your library.

    If a chart you import has exactly the same title as a chart in your library but is somehow different, a number will be a will be added to the new chart’s title.

    You have a “Lover” chart. The new chart will import as “Lover 1”.
    If you already have 2 “Lover” charts the next one will import as “Lover” 2.

    These added numbers are based on the order that charts are added to YOUR library.
    Different devices/libraries may have charts numbered differently.

    That’s why I prefer to add a “code” to my duplicate titles so I can easily see which band, singer, etc. they are for. I add the singer’s or band initials after the title
    (ie. “Lover gs”)

    New Users: it’s best to import main “get-started” playlists first. It’s a quick way to populate your library. That way duplicate titles added later will have numbers.


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