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Thread: IrealPro with DAW on iPad Pro 1st generation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default IrealPro with DAW on iPad Pro 1st generation

    Just started to work out the set up for using my iPad as a portable recording set up.
    I can run a DAW and iReal simultaneously while playing my keyboard (USB to camera to lightning cable) but have no control over the volume output coming from iRealPro.
    I know I can export a wav file into the DAW and then not use ireal live, but that seems like an unnecessary step. Any workaround?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Can you use the iReal Pro mixer to lower the volumes? there is no overall volume control in the mixer. Out of interest, in what way are you using the DAW? are you recording with it, or just triggering an instrument sound from it?


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