Hello, the music XML export file will have the chords, in the song form of the chart (meaning repeat barlines, DC, DS etc.).
The midi export file will have the stream of the sequence of the chords as they play through the chart, related to the number of repeats, set as the player settings will dictate.
If you use Jazz Long notes as the playback style, then export the midi file (perhaps set as 1 repeat) you should see the block chords, (as you hear them if you trigger play with this style).

BTW each time the play button triggered, or a midi track generated, the results are different. There are various voicings and rhythms built in for each style and chord so the playback or midi file is slightly random and exact play of the song is quickly calculated just after triggering Play and before the count in or song starts. (In other words, if you export the midi file into a notation program, then play the same song again in iReal Pro, the voicings, rhythms will not exactly match because of the randomness.)