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Thread: Feature requests

  1. #461
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Just got the new update! Kudos for many great additions!!! I see now there are more instruments available to us. I would still like to have guitar available as an option in all styles.

    Best app ever.

  2. #462
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    I often use IRealb for ear training on chord progressions. It's really useful and you can check if you're right or wrong straight away. Up until now I've been trying to select a section of bars to loop without looking directly at the screen (as this obviously defeats the purpose of the exercise!)..however it is not so easy to do this. Maybe you can think up a way of being able to select eg. a four or eight bar section without seeing the actual chords?

  3. #463
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default General setting to keep the tempo of a chord chart unchanged with a change of style

    I often try a bunch of different styles with a chord chart to hear which works best for me. When I do, the tempo changes with each change in style. This is, at least for me, an unnecessary annoyance that can be easily fixed. My feature request is a new General Setting switch that lets the user choose to keep the same tempo when a style is changed or to permit the tempo to change with the change in style.

    I know that the developers have designed each style to work best at a particular tempo. However, in my case, I often find that particular styles work very well at tempi quite different from the default. For example, I often use the Swing Two/Four at a much slower tempo than 180 bpm and Ballad Swing at a much faster temp than 60.

    I hope you can implement this feature in an update.

  4. #464
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    "General setting to keep the tempo of a chord chart unchanged with a change of style."

    A big Ditto on this from me. Thanks.

  5. #465
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Keith88 View Post
    This topic has been written about before but I wanted to submit my request because the topic has become important to me. I have started to gig again (solo piano) and am using iReal Pro with about half of the tunes I play. For each gig, I prepare a playlist. I also have lists of tunes to choose from. Thus, I am beginning to have many playlists, which contain some of the same songs from list to list. I now find that there is little facility to edit, merge, and compare playlists within iReal Pro. I have partially solved the problem by using the Share feature to e-mail each playlist to my computer, saving the attached playlist to a file, and printing the file with a pdf printer driver to create pdfs of a list of the titles within each playlist. OK--so now I can more easily compare what's in each playlist, but I still can't merge the playlists. Nor can I go to a song title and find out if it is a playlist(s), and which list(s) it is in.

    I know this may be a difficult request to fill, but please consider adding augmented playlist management to the program sometime in a future update.
    I have similar issues .
    One of the reasons I prefer the Mac version is it has a *recently played* feature in Songs.
    If IOS had this you'd be able to just find the last 100 songs you had looked at.

    I find this incredibly useful in teaching when I have to find an exercise that We used last week.
    Exercise and practice charts don't always have memorable names.

  6. #466
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Bobsax View Post
    One of the reasons I prefer the Mac version is it has a *recently played* feature in Songs.
    If IOS had this you'd be able to just find the last 100 songs you had looked at.
    iOS version has LAST VIEWED (in Playlists tab at the top) the last 50

  7. #467
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by dflat View Post
    iOS version has LAST VIEWED (in Playlists tab at the top) the last 50
    so it does!
    Thanks dflat

  8. #468
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Attach a style and tempo to a chord chart

    I know that iReal Pro was developed as a practice aid, but many of us use it for performance. For this use, it is essential that the style and tempo for a particular chord chart not easily be changed. I use an iPad Mini, and because of the small screen, it is easy to unintentionally change the style and tempo while turning a page or just touching the screen. It would be great if there were a way for a user to permanently (better: semi-permanently) attach a style and tempo to a chart. In that way, once these are set, they stay set.

    An alternative suggestion is to have a text field attached to a chart (like the fields for title, composer, style and key in the info section) where the user could designate tempo so that if it got changed, the user could easily reset it back to the desired setting.

    I don't know if others have this problem--I suspect I'm not alone in finding that after having carefully selected a style and tempo, one or both get changed and I can't remember exactly what I originally chose. I'd like to hear whether or not other users also have this problem.

  9. #469
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Keith88 View Post
    ... It would be great if there were a way for a user to permanently (better: semi-permanently) attach a style and tempo to a chart. In that way, once these are set, they stay set...
    I don't know if others have this problem--I suspect I'm not alone in finding that after having carefully selected a style and tempo, one or both get changed and I can't remember exactly what I originally chose. I'd like to hear whether or not other users also have this problem.
    Once I know the key of a song for the band or singer, I duplicate, change key in song info so it is their default key, re-title with a suffix for the band ('Rose Room BN' or whatever) and add it to their playlist. Then being a separate playlist, I can restore from its own backup at any time if I think anything has altered and it does not affect any other playlist.
    Also, since it is duplicated, I can add text for their performance, tempo or feel they require, rubato, specific intro, form etc. Obviously if you are using the player, you can add the style and BPM in text at the top and check this before play.

    I understand your request, thanks for your idea.

  10. #470
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    I understand the idea, dflat; one could include the style and tempo in the title or composer field (as well as the key for a singer). Unfortunately, this would still permit the style and tempo to be easily changed, although it would provide an easy reference to change them back. It is something to think about.

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