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Thread: Writing new charts for transposed instruments

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Default Writing new charts for transposed instruments

    Hellos everyone,

    first, thanks for a great program and a very good forum and support! Second, my apologies for again bringing up this topic, but I don't seem to be able to do what I am trying to do (enter a new song which is transposed), and can't wrap my head around the previous instructions I have found, like this one:

    Short description of my problem:

    - I have a written song melody with chords, already transposed for a Bb instrument, tenor sax.
    - The melody on paper is in D major (or h minor, I don't know, it's Bob Mintzer's "Ballad"...)
    - I'm trying to enter it as a new song the way it is written. First chord on notes is DMaj7
    - Whatever sequence of entering the chord, setting the key or setting-and-transposing the key in the editor, and then setting the key and global transpose in iReal, I can't seem to find a way to end up having the same chords as the written melody and having the same key.

    I'm not really proficient in musical theory or chords, but have some basic understanding (at least I know that I don't know )

    Would anyone be able to push me in the right direction and showing me the steps required to end up with the correct chords and key in the final song? Help would be much appreciated.


  2. #2


    Your paper chart (already transposed for your Bb instrument) is written in D. (Bb instrument transposed key)
    The piano chart to play along with you would be written in C (concert key)

    You have iReal pro's global transpose feature set for your Bb instrument which displays ALL the charts in your library a whole step higher than concert key. The player continues to play in the concert pitch.

    The iReal pro editor only writes/edits/displays in the default concert key.

    Instructions for your specific example:
    In the editor, write the iRp chart copying your (already transposed) paper chart. On the info screen, select the key (D).
    When your chart is completed, you can save it to ensure your settings are locked.'re not done yet.
    Open the chart in the editor again. Open the info screen, change the songs default key to what would be the correct concert key for the untransposed chart (C). Select "Set and Transpose". Done. Look at the chart, all the chords have been transposed to the new default key of C. Save.

    When you view your new chart kn song-view it will be displayed transposed to D (because of your global transpose setting). The player will play in the concert pitch.
    Last edited by pdxdjazz; 04-18-2017 at 07:16 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    ... and once saved and you have returned to song view, check the song's playback key when you tap for playback options (since you might have been playing around with this before you corrected it in the editor). It should be set to C for this song. This is its playback key (and the Concert key).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    Thanks a lot guys, that works!

    The things I had wrong was how to write, set and transpose the song correctly in the editor, to come out with the song correctly in C. And the fact the playback key should be in C, not D like the printed version. The transpose setting and playback key are connected in a way I didn't realize.

    Thanks again, this is very much appreciated! Now I will go along and continue enjoying myself.

    (As someone said: This is a huge step for me, but a small step for mankind... )


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Thanks for the reply Rainer. Glad you have it working!

  6. #6

    Default Eb Alto Sax and Chords

    I have a jazz band chart written for my Alto Sax and I would like to input this chart into iRealPro in order to practice some improvisation. I am struggling on how to do this, since I can't get iRealPro to show me the appropriate chords for the sax AND play in the right key!

    For example, my music is in the key of G (not concert key, but alto sax key), and I have a G7#9 followed by a C7.

    How do I do this?

  7. #7


    These instructions are for trumpet (Bb)

    So for your Eb instrument you’ll need to first enter the chords as written in G, save.
    Then edit (in the editor) the key again to reset the song’s default key to Bb, “set and transpose”.

    IRp (transposing instrument set to Eb) will display your chart in G while the player plays in Bb (concert key)

    Let us know how it works for you.


  8. #8


    That worked! Thank you. I think I was thrown as I was trying to "play" it in the editor as oppose to save the chart and play it normally.

  9. #9



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