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Thread: extra jazz styles? (Just ensure your app is updated)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Tried what you suggested. Opened app, chose more but nothing there about restoring purchase. I have even tried reinstalling the app to no avail. Strangely enough I even have the app with the new styles included on my cell phone. Very frustrating

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Tap on the Extra Jazz Styles button and a message should come up saying that you've already purchased it. Are you logged in with the same email address that you used for the original purchase?
    Last edited by Niki; 06-20-2015 at 11:33 PM. Reason: Corrected steps

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Exclamation Extra Jazz Styles

    First let me say I searched for an answer, and I don't see anything that solves my problem.
    I made an In app purchase (android) of extra jazz styles...I can audition them on the page that invites you to purchase them, But I purchased them and they do not show up as available styles on a song. I went back to the store and tried purchasing them again, but it says you already own this item. I don't see the choice for "restore purchased items" that is mentioned in a similar thread. Please, I am very frustrated..I payed for the extra styles, but I can't use them. Can anyone help? Shouldn't they just show up on the song play page like any other style?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Niki View Post
    On your tablet you installed from the Amazon App Store, correct? Then open the app, tap on More/Restore purchases and you're all set
    There is no such option There is an option for restore practice songs, but nothing for restore purchases.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    I am having the same problem...I used in ap purchasing to purchase the 12 extra jazz styles from amazon, but they don't show up anywhere. Just to be sure, i tried to purchase them again, but is says "you already own this item". This is very frustrating and no one has posted a solution that works. Even after purchasing them they don't show up. There was a suggestion to tap more/restore/purchases, but there is no such option. It seems like A LOT of people are having this problem. Is there a solution that ACTUALLY WORKS, or is this a defect in the ap?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Exclamation Jazz styles.. A different approach.

    If you look at the thread about the problem people are having with Purchasing Extra Jazz styles through an in app purchase, it is clear that for some of us at least, there is no answer that works. I paid for the extra styles, my Amazon account was charged, but I don't have them. They show up no where. The only thing I see is the option to purchase them and when I tap that it says I already own them. Someone mentioned tapping "More" and then "restore purchases", but there is no such option to tap.
    Since i can't find a solution here, is there anywhere else I can go (some kind of customer support line perhaps ) to find an answer. I should think that the developers would be concerned that people are paying for features and receiving nothing in return. I am getting desperate, any guidance (other than the suggestions in the thread...they don't work) would be greatly appreciated. It would be particularly helpful if I could speak to someone live. Please Help! If a company sells a product it is there responsibility to make sure all the features work, and to make available a way to solve the problem if they don't..... Right?

  7. #17


    Email directly for help resolving your issue.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by bcowie View Post
    Since i can't find a solution here, is there anywhere else I can go (some kind of customer support line perhaps ) to find an answer...
    Sorry for your problems. We wil need to look into this as it could be either the app or something related to the Amazon store. We appreciate your details as to what is happening as it helps us to work it out.
    Within the app is More>Help and support and About>Contact us; or email us as Bob has suggested.
    Thanks for your patience.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by hammy View Post
    Tried what you suggested. Opened app, chose more but nothing there about restoring purchase. I have even tried reinstalling the app to no avail. Strangely enough I even have the app with the new styles included on my cell phone. Very frustrating
    I'm sorry about the hassle. I would like to clarify a few things: do you have 2 or 3 devices? You've mentioned a phone, a tablet and a Kindle. You also mentioned it earlier that on your Kindle and your phone, you do have the new styles. So the issue is only on your tablet, correct? What kind of tablet do you have and which operating system do you have on it? Which version of iReal Pro do you have on your tablet?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2012


    Dear Bcowie and Hammy,
    My apologies. We just looked into the issue and it seems like there is a problem with the Amazon Store version. In fact the in-app doesn't show up after you purchased it. We will fix it and contact you as soon as the issues is resolved. Thank you for your patience.

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