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Thread: More time signatures ?

  1. #1

    Default More time signatures ?

    The feature would be a way of using more time signatures compatible with more styles: 2/8, 5/8 (either 3+2 or 2+3), 3/16, 7/16, etc.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Odd odd meters...

    I've got a Greek tune in 7/8 time I am trying to chart out. When I choose that time signature, and a style that works in 7/8, the pattern of the beats for the 7 beat measure when it plays is 2-2-3. That's how the metronome does the count-in also.

    While this is a common way to play a 7 (in Turkey, for example), it is not the only way to do a 7/8 beat. The other common way, and how this Greek tune is played is as 3-2-2. Subtle, but very different rhythm! I am however struggling with finding a way to chart and play this 3-2-2 rhythm in iReal Pro, and have it sound anywhere reasonable, as far as where the emphasis is on the beats.

    In a similar vein, for the 9/8 rhythm, the pattern of the beats as it plays is 3-3-3. Like an Irish slip jig. But a Turkish 9/8 (for example) would play it as 2-2-2-3, a very particular rhythm call Karsilama.

    And then there's 10/8...3-2-2-3... I'll stop there!

    Much of the music of Greece, the Balkans, Turkey, and the Middle East and Persia relys commonly on odd-meter rhythms and it would be awesome if iReal Pro supported that.

    Suggestions would be appreciated! If it is even possible to do this in iReal Pro... If not I'll put this in the suggestion box.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016


    It's a cool sub feature...
    Hopefully we can get groups of people interested in some of these Upgrades..and who are willing to pay a small fee.
    I am not affiliated with Ireal or the Developers- I just think paying for upgrades will make Requests more possible.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default 8/8 time sig for off beats?

    Would a 8/8 time signature work to allow off beat chord changes for styles? Would probably not work for some styles. Seems like it would be better than the current 6/4 2/4 work- around.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Default 2/8 Time Signature, please

    Any chance of adding 2/8 and/or 1/4? I'm trying to program Pat Metheny's "The First Circle" which is nominally in 22/8, or 11/4, or 6/4+5/4. None of those capture the actual rhythm, however, which is a specific pattern of 2/8 and 3/8 building blocks. IReal will arbitrarily subdivide larger bars (such as 4/8, 5/8, and 6/8) in ways that don't match the song, which makes learning and improvising over the changes much more difficult than it would be if 2/8 or 1/4 were available. 3/8 is available, but doesn't solve the problem on its own, and using 2/4 and 3/4 leads to absurd-sounding accompaniment at the tempos I would need to match the original song.

    This same problem - building with blocks of 2 and 3 - is very common in Greek and Indian music, as well, so I suspect it would also be helpful for people playing those types of music. 1/8 could open up yet other options, but it's much less of a priority than 2/8, to my mind.


    ~Jeff Porcaro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013


    I agree. 2/8 would be a great addition

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Additional time signatures request

    It would be nice to add 2/16, 3/16, 5/16, 7/16 etc... in order for the player to simulate offbeat kicks based on 16th beat grooves

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Please, more time signatures 🙏

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Some options for reversed feels within 5/8, 7/8, 5/4, 7/4
    (v2024.4 or higher)

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